Research and innovation

Researchers and Visitors

Dr Sarah Inskip

College Research Associate Dr Sarah Inskip. Photo credit: Laure Bonner

St John's welcomes many different visitors to the College.

Visiting Fellows have always enriched academic life here at St John's. We welcome visitors at different stages in their careers from all over the world.

  • Writer-in-Residence: Ms Vona Groarke
  • Musician-in-Residence:
  • Composer-in-Residence:


College Research Associates

The College Research Associates are post-doctoral Research Fellows of the University who augment the Fellowship in their specialist research fields. Each College Research Associate is appointed for several years, and they provide a particularly relevant point of contact for the graduate members of the College who may be considering remaining in academia, able to offer insight into the career and role of a junior academic.

Meet our College Research Associates

Research Fellows

Up to six Research Fellows are elected annually. The Fellowships are extremely competitive and typically less than one candidate in 100 is successful. Research Fellows are supported by the College while they pursue their research interests.

Meet our Research Fellows


St John's innovation centre

Located at the heart of the Greater Cambridge technology cluster, the St John鈥檚 Innovation Centre, established by the College in 1987 as part of St John's Innovation Park, exists to provide a dynamic and supportive incubation environment to accelerate the growth of ambitious innovative firms in the Cambridge region.

Research Groups and Conferences

There are several research groups at St John's and conferences that take place at the College -  see below for more information on the current groups and recent conferences.

Research Groups


Class, Class Consciousness and Class Identity in Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages (c. 3000 BCE-1000 CE)

Distinguished Lecture Series

Paul Dirac

Theoretical physicist and Nobel prize winner Paul Dirac who was a student and Fellow at St John's 

St John's hosts a variety of distinguished lectures over the course of the academic year. Click on the links below for more information.